Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me.

    Okay, so as I'm writing this it's not technically my birthday, not yet anyway. But it will be in 2 hours and 44 minutes, and I'm not totally sure how I feel about it. I feel like there's so much left to do, and 2 hours and change is not enough time to do it in. Tomorrow I won't have the "crazy teenager" excuse. Tomorrow I will have successfully avoided being a teen parent. Tomorrow I will go from  being a Teen to being a Twentysomething. It's all a little weird, I guess. 
    Birthdays in college are highly anticlimactic. You go to work and you go to class and if you're lucky you go out with some friends to get cheap food and talk about how old you feel. I remember so vividly being 7 or 8 or 9, thinking about how 13 seemed so old, and that 16 was practically an adult. 21 seemed forever away, and now it's right around the corner. Now I look back on thirteen and think, "I was just a baby." I look back on sixteen and think, "If only I knew then what I know now." I look back just a year and a half ago. I was eighteen, just starting college, thinking I was grown up, out "on my own." Oh, how little did I know.
    So now I'm staring twenty in the face, and it looks good. Twenty looks like losing weight and finding myself. Twenty looks like a summer full of music festivals and bare feet and happiness. Twenty look good, and while I'll miss Nineteen, I can't wait to see what's coming.
    2 hours and 19 minutes. Hello, Twenty.

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